Originally Posted by Michael Phelps
NOt that it's a justification, but a baby has no choice in its own murder under abortion. A soldier willingly joined the armed forces knowing war was a possibility.
Yeah I think that the situation with abortion and a whimsical warmonger is not comparable, for your dilemma-- akin to comparing apples and rutabagas.
Most folks I know DON'T vote the Party Line just for the sake of voting the Party Line. They usually have convictions (some shallow, some deep, some nonsense) to go along with
WHO they choose.
I don't suggest you vote Republican just for the sake of voting Republican. Vote Republican because you believe in Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin to be competent leaders, taking the country in the direction you want it go.
If you don't think that way, then don't vote for them. You will not be the only Republican NOT voting for Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin.
This isn't a Heaven or Hell issue. Don't let someone use their religion to manipulate your politics.