Originally Posted by 1399
Fact is, I think Sen. Obama has wisdom and I think Sen. McCain is someone who will be quicker to use U.S. troops in a way not so wise.
If Sen. McCain was President when Russia invaded Georgia, I think things would have gotten out of hand and we would be engaged in a third war.
Pres. Bush's response was measured in this case. I think Sen. Obama wold continue that style of diplomacy and leadership.
Why don't you check out Cook County/Hale DeMar and find out about Obama's stance on handguns.
In February 2004, the Cook County prosecutors dropped all charges against DeMar because of public outcry throughout the state.
The Senate passed SB 2165, a law introduced, because of the DeMar case, with provisions designed to assert a right of citizens to protect themselves against home invasions.
The measure passed the Illinois Senate by a vote of 38-20 - OBAMA being one of the twenty senators voting against the measure!!!!
After passing the Illinois House by an overwhelming majority of 86-25, the measure goes back to Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who vetoed it!!!
The Illinois Senate voted 40-18 to override the veto - OBAMA acted against the bill and voted with the 18 who wanted so sustain the governor's veto.
SO, if you want to vote for a Communist - go right ahead 1399. At least Palin will allow us to keep our handguns, semi-automatics, etc.