Democrat Playbook: Republicans Are Stupid
Its one of their oldest tactics. Gerald Ford the tripping, buffoon who ran against the brilliant Jimmy Carter. Ronald Reagan was a lightweight, B-list actor and Walter Mondale was the sharp, persuasive statesman. George HW Bush and Dan Quayle were idiots compared to the intelligence of Dukakis and Benson. And of course, Clinton and Gore were mental giants when up against Dole and Kemp. Again W could not even begin to touch the mesmerizing of Gore. And Kerry was such a brain when paralleled to stupid ole W.
Now its Obama the great orator, the Ivy League newspaper editor, the community organizer. The Democrats are always so much more intelligent, superior. That's why Hollywood loves them. They reinforce the notion that the urban centers of the East Coast and West Coast are comprised of the intelligensia while the heartland produces the Neanderthals who still believe that dinosaurs roamed the earth 4,000 years ago.
McCain is an American hero. They aren't going to portray him as stupid. But in Miss Palin they have found their flunky. Notwithstanding that this woman is accomplished as and has done more in her 44 years than many women do in a lifetime. She is a conservative, a Christian, a gun owner, a hunter, an outdoorswoman, a former beauty queen, a former sportcaster, etc.
She's too stupid to be VP. Too stupid to be a heartbeat from the Oval Office. She didn't go to Yale, Harvard or Columbia. She didn't abort her Down's Syndrome child. Her 17 year old is pregnant, and isn't gong to abort the child. She is going to choose to get married, rather than abort the baby and think about her education and career. Her husband is a union worker.
Compared to Hillary she is a dwarf. Compared to Pelosi, Streisand, Boxer, Winfrey, Faye, Dowd, Quinn or any of the other brilliant liberal women of celebrity, Palin doesn't desreve to be in the room with them. These women are educated, talented, articulate, modern, and classy. These poor trollips the Republicans roll out are nothing more than trailer trash.
Yet she is the very thing Washington and the world needs. Someone who knows what life is like in our world. Most of us don't have high brow educations, we haven't hob nobbed with the rich and famous. Most of us don't have personal trainers or go get augmentations or lifts or tucks.
Most of us know how to balance our checking accounts, we know how to make dollars stretch, most if us know how to cook for ourselves and we take out our own trash.
If being real is stupid, if being authentic is stupid, if being genuine is stupid, then I'd rather be stupid. Its better to be labeled stupid by the elite than to be delusional.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.