A Reminder: Why I'm Voting Again' Obama & 4 McCain
I am listening to Ahmedinejhad of Iran addressing the UN. SCCCAAAAARRRYYYYYYYYYYY! The man is a first-class nut job! He denegrated the US throughout his speech and spoke evil of Israel.
Disciples of Jesus Christ! Jesus is not coming back because of the US economy. Jesus is not coming back because of the war on terror in Iraq or Afghanistan. Jesus is not coming back because of liberal/conservative culture wars. JESUS IS COMING BACK BECAUSE THE WORLD WILL TURN AGAINST ISRAEL!
If there is any reason to vote FOR McCain, and AGAINST Obama it is because of this very reason! McCain has always been pro-Israel. Obama has changed some of his language since running for president but has gone on record speaking in favor of meeting with this enemy of Israel and negotiatiing with him. His pastor Jeremiah Wright has spoken against Israel and in favor of the Palestinains many times.
Obama has found a home in the anti-Israel, pro-Islamic Jihad community of Nation of Islam Leader, Louis Farrakahn and the Black Power movement.
Obama made a comment in March 2007 that "no one is suffering more [in the Middle East] than the Palestinians." All the fine supportive comments made by Obama to Jewish voters are betrayed by this observation: Obama singled out the Palestinians as those who have suffered the most.
You can't have Zbigniew Brzezinski a part of your foreign policy braintrust (whom Obama explicitly defended when challenged) and say you're a friend of Israel. And before you take Obama at his word at this, compare his comments at a Washington D.C. rally for Darfur to his post-candidacy statements, where he reversed his position on the right to intervene and said genocide "is not the criteria" (he said this in defending his position that he'll pull troops from Iraq even if it means genocide there).
Consider: if Obama takes office there will be immense pressure to get Arab good will to help extricate the U.S. out of Iraq. Pressure on Israel would be a great PR move on the Arab street. This is what Brzezinski constantly argues. If Obama is elected and it comes to pass, you were warned.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.