HELP!!! question for you all.
I have a mother with Alzheimer's. She has started having health issues. She lives with one of my sisters and now my sister is having some issues. She has a young daughter with problems and a son who is pretty much taking over the house.
I do not live close but I have several bothers who do. I have sister that lives out of state and she has been going to help out a few times a month.
I love our church. Love the area we live in except for the crime and the higher cost of living. I have been feeling torn between if I should try to move back to the area and help my sister or not.
Personally I do not like Ohio, lots of old nasty memories there. There is a good church and lots of people we know and love there though.
If you were faced with a similar situation what would you do?
Would you move back and be there to help? or would you stay put and go back once a year for a week or two to help then? or would you just stay put and not worry about things?
Just curious what a few others might do in this situation.
Please feel free to say. Honestly, I need some ideas.
=) thanks
Life is .............
I'll get back to you when I figure it out.