David Bernard in his book the New Birth in his chapter discussing repentance attributes not being filled with the Spirit w/ the evidence of speaking tongues, or having difficulty in receiving the HG ... to be lacking in repentance and/or faith.
It is important that those who pray with seekers at the altar have a correct understanding of repentance. Below are some practical guidelines based on our discussion.
(1) We should emphasize the moving of God's Spirit, not gimmicks or techniques. Special phrases or motions cannot substitute for repentance.
(2) We should attempt to discern where the seeker is spiritually. If he has not fully repented, we should not prematurely force him to express joy and expect the Spirit. Once he has repented, then we can encourage him to praise God and believe for the Spirit.
(3) We can put ourselves in the seeker's position and pray with him. This will show him how to pray and will help us pray with a burden.
(4) If the seeker does not seem to be making progress, there may be several problems, each of which requires a different approach. The problem may be a failure to understand what repentance is, a refusal to surrender everything to God, a lack of desire (hunger, desperation, sense of urgency), a lack of godly sorrow, or a lack of faith.
(5) We must not try to teach him how to speak in tongues. This sign will come as the Spirit gives utterance. Instead of stressing only that he should yield his tongue to God, we should stress that he should surrender his whole mind and life to God. When the seeker yields everything to God, concentrates totally on Him, and exercises faith, he will be able to yield his tongue to God.
(6) Let us avoid distracting practices such as shaking the seeker, pounding him, forcing him to do certain things, giving conflicting advice, or otherwise annoying him. People often repent and receive the Spirit in spite of, not because of, the altar workers.
If the seeker is sincere and ready to repent, he will receive the Spirit in a short time. If he does not, there is something lacking in his repentance or in his faith. In such a case, altar workers need to be spiritually sensitive and knowledgeable so they can help him overcome these difficulties.
Why don't some receive the gift of the Holy Ghost w/ the evidence of speaking in tongues ... right away ....
We've heard of some who complete either step 1, or steps 1 and 2 .... and for years cannot speak in tongues or struggle to be filled .... Why, is this so? Do you agree w/ Bernard?
Is it more lack of repentance? Lack of faith? Are they not linked?
If one is forgiven at repentance ... and/or after baptism but can't speak in tongues were you really ever forgiven at step one or two?
If we all accept that we are saved by grace through faith but the reason one does not speak in tongues is because a lack of faith ... then did that person ever obey the plan of salvation at least partially ... or exercise salvific faith in the first place?
And tangentially ... do you agree w/ Bernard's altar worker suggestions?