Originally Posted by MikeinAR
Right on the money on everything Ferd, but I'd disagree on it being the dems to lose. I believe this election will be very close. 60 days out, I can't see anything but a toss up.
You nailed it with the swing vote. As they go, so goes the election. McCain has to go much farther to the middle and appeal to mod's tonight. McCain's biggest job after Palin last night, is trying to seperate himself from the last 8 years of the Bush administration. If he can do that well enough, he wins. Game over, IMO.
you are right on what McCain has to do. that has been his job since he picked Palin.
on how this elction turns out....
there is one single over riding factor.
No party has won the white house when the sitting president was from that party and has an approval rating below 50%.... GWBs is in the mid 30's.
that is the single most important fact in this election. a democrat loss would be devistating to them.