Originally Posted by MikeinAR
That's because of the way you frame this issue. You and I both know that abortions were going on LONG before it was made legal in Roe v. Wade. The back alley clinics in Chicago, New York, LA and every other major city were operating and the police were NOT going in and jailing pregnant women for aborting babies. The day that the Supreme Court makes it illegal again, there will still be abortions performed.
I'm anti-abortion in any instance except for the life of the mother being in danger. The only thing that will truly stop abortion,however, is when America's preachers stand in the pulpit and declare truth and the Holy Spirit convicts individuals of their sin. You can't simply legislate morality. It's time America's christians stopped blaming the politicians and all of us took a look in the mirror.
Given that, it's also immoral for the elderly in this country to chose between medicine and food. It's immoral for 100K innocent civilians in Iraq to die due to a needless war. People that did nothing wrong other than live their life in the country they were born. It's immoral, for veterans to come home to poor living conditions in VA hospitals and not receive the medical treatment they need. It's immoral for the government to tap my phone and look into my financial records with no warrant from a judge, thus denying me due process protected by that silly old Constitution of ours.
There are other issues of life and death than abortion.
I certainly understand there are other issues besides abortion. These babies are 100% innocent. IMO. Anyone who votes for a candidate that supports abortion has their conscience seared. The elderly, Iraqi citizens, veterans and you and I have the ability to make choices. We all have the ability to fight and stand for what we need and or want out of life. I know life is not fair. But.. these babies have no choice. And they have rights. These people that are struggling with whatever, are adults, and have chosen often times the road they ended up on. If you vote for Obama this election. Your a partaker/supporter of abortion. Rationalize it away all you want. Hussein Obama is a dirt bag.