Mr Guglielmucci said he and his wife were in "absolute shock" to discover their son was not terminally ill. "We have watched our son go through what we thought was cancer," he said. "My wife and I, over the past two years, have watched him vomit in buckets, having nosebleeds, and even his hair fell out in clumps at one stage.
This part floored me. Is it possible for a hypochondriac to actually fool his/her own body? I've talked about this with some people in the medical field and some people believe it is and some say it's not possible.
I guess maybe the guy had his own supply of hair removal cream or somesuch around. Sounds like this man needs TRUE healing tonight for the problems he's facing. He deserves everything that his actions have brought, but that song's truth is available to him.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine