Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Sweet love of God! That "WE" is definitely not with me. You saw more cheating pastors in the UPCI? Where do you live? Sodom?
Thank Jesus that all the preachers I know or have known are still with happy families. I feel for you Baron, no wonder you are so angry. I'd be pretty upset too if I had your experience. My goodness you must of been tripping over the adulterers left and right. Sad.
If I had a bad experience with Chinese people I might have a problem with all Chinese people?
Excuse, me but just because you had one or two bad horses doesn't mean you stop riding.
On the other hand if you eat raw clams and you didn't like them, then that's just your taste, and there are others who may love them.
You had a very bad experience, and I had a very great experience, as far as I have seen and others around our country will back me up. The television preachers and Charismatic churches are a joke.
So where do you stand, do you no longer attend the UPCI?
Wrong again. I did not have a bad experience, none of those pastors where ones I sat under. I am third generation Pentecostal, and was UPCI until the pastor of the church I was assisting in left the UPCI. Since that time I have attended both UPCI and Independent churches depending on where I lived.
Your assertions that this only happens in "Charismatic" churches is just plain wrong, and that was my point in the previous post, Christians fall in the UPC in Charismatic churches it doesn't matter, they fall. I am glad you are not the one who gets to determine who is saved. Yes folks like you do make me angry, I find you self righteous and arrogant to think that you have it all and everyone else that seeks God is a fake. You really have no clue.