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Old 08-20-2008, 02:16 PM
HappyTown HappyTown is offline

Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,123
10 Things To Eliminate

With all the talk about diets and health , here a list of 10 items that should be eliminated from everyone's kitchen, diet and lifestyle to keep them healthier.
Here's that list:

1) Trans fats
Read your labels! Anything that says "partially hydrogenated" is a trans fat.
Trans fats cause clogged arteries, type 2 diabetes, and other serious health problems. Only cook with organic butter or extra-virgin coconut oil as all other oils will turn into trans fat when used for cooking (including olive oil).

2) Artificial sweeteners
Contribute to diabetes because they prompt you to eat more.
Aspartame and sucralose (Splenda) should be avoided completely due to their toxic effects on the body. Alternatives are raw honey, agave nectar, stevia extract, and xylitol.

3) High fructose corn syrup and processed sugars
Fructose converts to fat more than any other sugar.
This may be one of the reasons Americans continue to get fatter.

4) Soy products
Creates hormonal imbalances in men and women by affecting estrogen levels.
Instead of soy milk for drinks and for infants, use goat's milk. It is the closest to a human mother's milk and is highly anti-allergenic.

5) Pork products
Creates toxic cells. Never meant for consumption.

6) Shellfish
Shellfish are scavengers ingesting countless toxins from the water in an attempt to keep our oceans and lakes clean.

7) Processed wheat and white flour
You used flour and water in elementary school to make glue paper mache hard as concrete. It has a similar affect on the body. Choose sprouted grain bread as an alternative.

8) Soft drinks
Sodas (even diet ones) poison the body. They don't reduce your hunger as solid food does, so your caloric intake is even higher. Regular soft drinks are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup and diet drinks use artificial sweeteners. A great alternative to the fizz you crave is to add fresh lime or lemon to sparkling water along with approved sweeteners.

9) Unfiltered tap water
Regular tap water is filled with chemicals and infused with chlorine. Always drink fresh spring water or filtered water and use a water filter for your home (even for bathing and washing clothes).

10) Non-organic dairy and meat products
Animals that are not raised organically are fed chemical and hormone-laced foods and by eating them, those harmful toxins go directly into you.this, hope it helps.

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