Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
Again, why should we only consider YOUR definition when more than YOU are involved in this conversation? IOW, why don't you consider MY definition and discuss if from MY POV? Or that of Reformed Dave's?
I think we already understand how you are defining it. I have yet to see where your definition is the issue here, except where you are making it one.
Excuse me, but it was RD that brought the issue up of what "trusting God" means, not me. I defined it for him how I was using the term in this discussion. He is the one who took it to mean I was saying people who see doctors don't have any trust in God, and that's not what I was saying. You joined in and the nitpicking started. I never said that people who see doctors have no faith, or that they can't trust God while seeing a doctor. I have never taken that position when discussing this issue. I've talked about our accident, and how I trusted in the Lord throughout the whole thing while she was being seen by the doctors, more than once on these message boards.
For the purposes of this discussion, I am defending those who choose not to see doctors. That's how I came into the discussion, and that is my purpose for being in the discussion. My participatioin is not to declare my rejection of the medical profession.