Re: Evangelicals & Nervous Breakdowns
Well. I'm far from an expert on the topic, except maybe in the field of human experience. I don't know alot about depression, but, I would say that if I were to talk to "someone"., they'd diagnose me as being depresseed, maybe chronically so. Depression, I think, shows up in many different ways. In me, I think its an inferiorty complex. I am never "good" enough. And maybe more, but, as I said, I'm no expert.
But, I do know prayer helps. But...this isn't necessarily enough. Depression, it would seem, is something that builds over time...sometimes for years. And, while I do believe God can heal a person of depression instantly, often it takes along time to work through its affects. And it takes help. Someone told me this once "What is done psychologically can be psychogically undone". But, like any rehabilitation, it take time and effort. And a perscription of "say three Our Fathers" may not be enough to help a person deal with the depression and everything that comes with it.
As far as medication...I don't know. I'm not a doctor. But, I think we live in an "over-medicated" world. The fear I have is that we are becoming chemically dependent. This isn't to say its not needed by some. It is, but only the doctor and the patient can decide that.
But... what do I know? I'm no expert.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7
Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.