Here is some unsoliticed contstructuve criticism.
Stop defending yourself to people who don't matter to you.
If their opinions don't matter to you there is no reason to defend yourself.
My mother in law stopped me one time and asked my why my kids are working at the church instead of swimming in the pool all day. I told her none of her d*** business and left it at that. No way I was going to explain a spiritual concept to a woman who refuses to be delivered from demonic posession. Her opinion is about as worth much as a bowl of cockroach soup.
You do not need our validation. If you feelings are from God, they will happen.
Originally Posted by Rhoni
Dora, You are right about that...but the difference is "RELATIONSHIP" people. No one but my closest friends, who ask my permission first, have any right to give me constructive criticism. Anyone else doing it is just an enemy!