Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn
I just see nowhere in scripture where the church is a Dynasty,,, and yes I know Nathan and adore him as a person... trust me his Father almost married my aunt,,,, his father preached his first revival for my grandmother, I know them all well and love them all.. this was not personal to Nathan.. this was a general question to ALL.... no other movement but the Jesus Name movement seems to cater to the DYNASTIC style of leadership..... where the sons whether called, qualified or not take over the fathers work..... Are there not other qualified ministers in that church.. who has been faithful and of good report ... are they not offered to the church as a choice? What church TELLS THE CONGREGATION who the next pastor is going to be? This was the only point I was trying to raise... and what if Nathan is not qualfied??? WHAT IF..... should the church be handed to him because he's NEXT IN LINE?
What is so interesting in all of this is Have you EVER commented on how William Branhams kids and grandkids are all on the dole back at cult central?
Do Billy Paul, Joseph, etc face the same kind of scrutiny in your economy or is that just something you reserve for Apostolic churches you do NOT belong to?