Originally Posted by TRFrance
Nobody is asking you to criticize the man.
The question had to do with "are you concerned that someone pastoring souls is off-base on the most basic biblical doctrines?". Either you are, or you're not.
(Or of course there are some who try so hard to appear "non-critical" or "non-judgmental" that they simply overlook false doctrine.)
If your own pastor went on national TV and said he believes Mormons are saved... and if also he's evasive when asked if Hindus and atheists go to heaven, you're telling us you wouldn't be bothered by that?
I don't understand why you are beating this bush so hard concerning me????? Of course I would be concerned if MYYYYYYYYYYYYYY PASTOR did this, cuz HEEEEEEEEEEEE is MYYYYYYYYYY Pastor and that affects me, get it, sheesh!
JO means nothing to me, has no impact on my life, I am not called to go and make everything right in Houston.
You parenthesied comment brings you to light.. I try so hard to appear, "non-critical" what a joke!