Ishmael & Isaac...
Last night I lay awake thinking about Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. When Abraham and Sarah took things into their own hands to 'help God out'...we end up with Hagar's Ismael & Sarah's Isaac duking it out in the middle east for all of time. Was it all in the plan of God? Was it predestination or foreknowledge?
Many things in life I personally consider unfair and much of it is our fault and how much of it is in God's plan?
Had God fulfilled his promise to Abraham in a timely way then Abraham and Sarah would not have tried to take matters into their own hands. Do you think that God predestines us to go through things or are we just a bunch of screw-ups?
Just some of the thoughts running around in my exhausted brain.
I'd be interested to know anyone else's thoughts on this matter.
Blessings, Rhoni