Something about that article upset me...I felt horrible reading it thinking how could people be so cruel?
No wonder we have so many hurt soldiers...
It is fine to disagree with someone but to stoop to that level is beyond me...
I do not even know Sherri´s brother so I have no idea what agenda he had if he had one...most of us do have agendas at times...we might as well be honest...
No one that is a real holiness person would do something like that...for holiness is not only dress ( I observe) but holiness
begins deep in the heart. Godly Holiness is not jealous, does not murder, is kind, and speaks well even of our enemies...we may not agree with someone we consider our enemy but we do NOT go by the OT law an eye for an eye...
I know people that claim to be holiness in dress and their mouth runs all the time...evil things about others...
Am I downplaying standards? No...I am saying what use is there ( I will use myself as an example so no one can say I am talking or hinting someone else) for me to dress like a nun and from my mouth spree out all kinds of evil talking’s?
The bible talks about both MEN and WOMEN being quite not loudmouthed...
2 Thess 3: 11 for we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. 12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.
Hab 2:20 But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.
Murder is just as much as a sin as adultery or whatever.
Well, did not finish but you can read between the lines the rest...have a Bible class to teach...
BY one token will people KNOW we are HIS disciples...LOVE...