Originally Posted by Felicity
If conservatives leave, I hope and pray that their brothers and sisters will reach out to them to let them know that .....
1. Someone cares and is concerned.
2. They are/were valued and that they have been an important part of the UPCI.
3. They need to consider all the ramifications and results of what leaving will entail even if they're not able to "hear" what is being said to them at the moment. Tempers get short and people get caught up in the heat of what they consider a battle, but they need to hear the important considerations of their decision.
4. It would be good to not make decisions in haste.
5. It's possible that things won't turn out as badly as they might think and that they have "voice and influence" as long as they remain. Once they leave, that is gone.
6. That they are respected for their convictions.
7. There will be no substitute for the fellowship they've enjoyed and for the friends they've made and relationships that were formed over the years once they are on the "outside".
8. The effect it will have on their children, grandchildren, and other family members.
9. That with all it's faults and failings the UPCI is the best thing going in the Oneness Apostolic world.
10. That change is inevitable but it doesn't mean they personally need to change any of their own integrity or conviction.
These are off the top of my head. I know there are other points as well.
The most important thing is to let these people know they are important and will be missed. The worst thing to do is to just ignore these people. The attitude "Oh well, just let them go then" is deplorable in my opinion.
Having come through the rain myself...I'd say that Felicity has very valid points here.
Blessings, Rhoni