Originally Posted by Adino
He that is married by a preacher and puts on a ring shall be wed. He that is not married by a preacher shall be considered unwed.
Does it follow that he who neglects to put on a ring is also to be considered unwed? Of course not.
The ring is simply a token of the marriage union as baptism is a token of our union with Christ.
He that doesn't beleive is not going to be baptized so there is not reason to state, he that believes not and is baptized not shall be damned.
A ring is not necessary part of the wedding covenant, but baptism is essential to the new birth. It's pretty simple, you are not part of the covenant if you do not act out what is needed to be part of the covenant. You could be born into the nation of Israel but you where not a partaker in Abraham's covenant if you where not circumcised in the foreskin. The circumcision or token of the new covenant, is preform without hands in baptism.
Logic works if you think logically.