Originally Posted by StMark
I think what throws a lot of people off is, you people want
to hang out with UPCers yet you are so against the UPC
and have renounced all its teachings.
Why would you all want to associate with something
so awful???
Most people that end up in a divorice sever all
ties even if there were a few good memories.
Originally Posted by StMark
But did you know that you are viewed by most
as a traitor ??? No, I'm being serious
Sounds like it's more of a problem for the ones left in UPC than us.
The generalization that "you are so against the UPC" is just plan silly. I didn't divorce myself from my heritage - - just see things a bit differently.
Also, renounced all it's teachings - - what you really mean is cut your hair and wear pants. The man-made rules! I haven't renounced my Biblical UPC teachings! You just really want to stir it up don't you!