Originally Posted by 1399
The more we legislate Christianity, the less powerful it is as a force of real change in person's life.
This is why legalism is so damaging to the reputations of some Pentecostal churches: when you force righteousness, it is no longer righteousness.
Don't you see that as Christians, the life we live now is not a life lived in the confines of various laws written to keep our lives good and pleasing to the Lord? The basis of of Christianity is relationship-- it is His love for us first and then our love for Him. So it is out of LOVE and DEVOTION, we strive to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him, not out of adherence to the law.
So for people who are unsaved, forcing them to live their lives by a code of laws that we can not even measure up to in the end is not realistic.
Although many of our founding fathers considered themselves Christian, our country was never meant to be a Theocracy. We need to remember that when in our religious fervor, we try to Christianize a heathen nation without a relationship with Christ.
My friend, if you keep reading, you will come to a post of mine where I suggest that since ours is a secular society, this is about extending the same rights to the unborn human that you and I enjoy... first and foremost, LIFE....
the argument isnt simply one of Christian value, althought I belive all Christians have the same right as everyone else in this nation, to bring their beliefs to the table....
the argument is one of liberty in a secular society. When we refuse to protect the most helpless among us, we do not deserve liberty.