Originally Posted by Carpenter
Consider that you just wasted 4 minutes of your life writing all this out.
Why in Sam Hill does everyone think they are Dan's protector around here?
It is astounding how many apologeticists he has.
For crying out loud people, I just saw a misquito get caught in a cobweb for Petes sake!
Ummmm apparently you have never read many of my altercations with Dan. We get along in forum land and I consider him a friend but a protector? Far from it! We are way on different sides of the fence and that will never change. I respect Dans reasons for leaving whatever they are and wish him the best in life. He deserves it as I would say the same for you if you were leaving. However I was indeed trying to get Mark to realize that its probably NOT the black chopper synopsis he is predicting but more than likely the upcoming marriage and plans thereof that Dan is actually leaving for.
Why cry thee? Sad that no one has said goodbye to you or that Mark hasnt tried to figure out the conspiracy behind your leaving????