Originally Posted by Aquila
Abortion is problematic. There isn't another relationship where the lives of two individuals are so intertwined. The question is who's rights are to be respected? Should the government have the power to essentially seize a woman's body and force her to give birth against her will or should the decision (right or wrong) be left up to individual women? To empower the government to seize a woman's body and force her to give birth is to extend government guardianship over both the woman and her unborn child. So in order to protect individual sovereignty the choice to abort (right or wrong) is granted to women as individuals.
Also....how will criminalizing abortion be enforced? No court in the land will prosecute a woman for murder if she aborts. No woman will be executed for committing an abortion. No woman will even been sentenced to prison time for procuring an abortion. Odds are the government would fine women who procure abortions. This does two things. First, it reduces the value of human life to that of a traffic ticket. Second, it becomes something for the government to use to generate revenue.
My wife and I know a woman who had a pregnancy with complications. The woman consulted with several doctors on staff. She was told by some that she should consider aborting...she was told by others that it may be premature to make such a decision. She made her choice and kept the child but naturally lost it later. Here's the deal...if it were my wife and we were faced with such a decision, that choice should be ours not Washington's.
No doubt too many women abuse their right to choose. Those women will answer to God severely as individuals. As individuals they made their choices and as individuals they will be judged as to if their choices were necessary. We must preach the value of life and admonish women to choose life unless faced with the most dire of circumstances. But in the end, for better or worse, the choice is best left in the hands of individual women.
Here's something that bothers me. The Republicans have politicized the issue. Prolife people blame Democrats for unnecessary abortions MORE than the vile, filthy, murderous, abominable women who procure them. I say we need to hold women accountable. I'd say that a church would be within it's right to deny baptism or the Lord's Supper to a woman who has procured an abortion. But here's the deal...preachers rather blame Democrats and wimp out with confronting murderous women...because if they attend they might give offerings. Some might think that my suggestion is extreme. It's no more extreme than the idea of executing women. In fact...it's far more serious a penalty, it delivers eternal damnation. The church needs to use the clout she has to bind sin on people instead of allowing one political party to politicize it. And maybe what I said is offensive to some. If so, I apologize. Maybe I'm speaking from my feelings about the subject. My over all point is that we have to address this issue by addressing women individually.
In a fallen world life and death decisions are made every day. Some are necessary and some are not. Those are the cold hard facts of life.
Aquila, if a government is given the right to force a woman to have a baby, it also makes it possible for the government to force a woman not to have a baby. The decision to have or have a baby needs to be the mother's, not the government's.