Originally Posted by tstew
We live in a Rock Star society and Obama is simply the Rock Star of the hour...much like Bill Clinton was compared to Bob Dole.
and who made it so? when you have "serious" media figures having crazy things happen in their pants (and telling the world about it) when they hear Barak speak....well I will let the reader finish that sentance.
On the first day of the Democratic primary, Barak Obama stood in dead last as far as "qualified to be President" was concerned.
yet somehow that NEVER got translated in the Media.
I will be honest, I wouldnt be NEARLY as worried about our future if Bill Richardson was about to get sworn in as president of the United States.
Add Joe Biden to that list too..
At this point, even Hillary would be a better option.
Barak will win, and we will reep the whirlwind.