Originally Posted by Jekyll
Oh, give it a break. Look who's calling the kettle with a bad attitude.
Nothing is destroying this forum. But to say that everyone is welcome and that bad attitudes aren't allowed is a farce.
Anyone that is strongly conservative receives the harsh end of ridicule and intolerance end of the stick. This is a social place, not a religious forum. It's a chance to complain and sensationalize, not build up or edify. And, "why don't you try saying something positive and, lol TURN THE BOARD AROUND," is a joke too. No one is going to, "influence," the board in any direction except for away from rational conservative thought.
Someone calls the guy harsh for calling someone apostate? Where were you when preachers are getting ripped to shreds across the board? What a complete joke, I am rolling right now.
Where's one of those threads where "preachers are getting ripped to shreds across the board?"
Show it to me Jekyll so that I can join you in "turning it around."
Of course things are awful if you just make them up. Why not make up something pleasant as well?