Originally Posted by Aquila
I think House Church Apostolics have a hard way to go. The traditional church is suspicious and often finds them to be a threat to the religious money making enterprise known as "church" in America. The world hates them because they are Apostolic and believe in one God and the full plan of salvation.
Personally, I'd rather be associated with a house church network than the church's I'm currently associated with. Because so much of it is about making money, gaining "members", property, yada yada yada. I love the simplicity and devotion of house church Christianity. I enjoy getting away from "sermons" that dazzle and getting into reading an entire passage and having strong teaching and group discussion about it. I enjoy not demanding tithes and simply expressing a need and allowing all to give as they feel led of the Holy Ghost. It's all just so much more...free and spiritual. I've spent quite a bit of time talking with a few local house churchers, they are Oneness, but more emergent in their practice. I really believe that the house church method is the best way to network and reach a large portion of the inner cities.
I've become firmly against "mega-churches". I believe they are wicked and distort the true meaning of the church.
I think you are right about a lot of the mega churches
just being Big money making machines especially amongst
the TBN charismatic movement types, but I think a lot of
people are growing smart to this and slowly evolving out
of these churches. especially in light of all the scandals going on.
I think the house church is going to be a force to be reckoned
with in the years to come BUT I do still believe the traditional
church will and still does serve a good purpose too.
Aquilla, House churches are made up of humans too and they
are going to have their combats, fights, fallouts and scandals too.
One of the things I think make people leery of house churches
is the belieft there is no covering, no accountability and the
threat of these churches teaching false doctrine as they did
during the latter rain movement.
The traditional church offers a social structure that a lot of
people, want, need and desire for their youth ( camps, choirs,
conventions, activities) that are healthy even for some
adults to be apart of something bigger than themselves