Do online communities shut out house church goers?
Greetings friends,
I was curious to know how many of you have signed up with the new apostolic answer to myspace?
Have you noticed the vast array of groups that have been started? Some are big and "important," some small and sort of frivolous. All have their place and should be allowed provided they are of course decent and in order.
That being said, I'm hearing reports of this site's persecution of apostolic house church goers and any efforts they make towards sharing their faith in starting any group or even participating on the site. Everything from being banned to deletion of groups and membership without warrant or warning.
What's up with that? We can have x amount of groups about every fashion, food and faith (in that order it seems sometimes)....but no room for those meeting in homes?
Well, I thought I'd check in with some of the best free thinkers in the Apostolic world for input.
Regardless of your beliefs, should those Apostolics that meet in homes be banished for their modus aperandi?
It's by invite only. So we get invited by our brethren and then run out by those who oppose where we may disagree. So we can disagree about everything else besides where to meet and how?
I for one believe that their actions betray them.
What do you think?
Peace, Just, in time.