Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
Justification and forgiveness/remission conceptually are different .... Yet if we believe God has forgiven/remitted our sins with true repentance ... would he not also have justified us, or "declared us righteous" also, simultaneously.
I believe forgiveness and remission of sins are the same thing.
What scriptures tell us that our sins are forgiven/remitted when we first come to repentance? I can find verses that link remission with water baptism but not repentance.
Acts 2:38,
Acts 22:16, 1Co 6:11
We are justified by faith. Is that the same as remission?
Repentance in the Bible is repentance and belief is belief. Only God can judge "saving" faith and "true" repentance. Although if someone truly repents they will bring forth works meet for repentance.
Remission [aphesis]is used synonymously in the NT with forgiveness [aphesis] ... except for one example in the book of Romans ... The English KJV usage of both words has thrown many off ... from it's original intent and distorting sound doctrine.
Are you saying the KJV distorts sound doctrine? What problems do you have with the received text? What translation do you use and how do you know that the edited text has not been distorted?
... which is to say that other translations use forgiveness and remission using the same word ... i.e. Spanish Reina Valera ... simply uses one word "perdon" for both ... making no semantical distinction.
I agree with you that remission and forgiveness are the same thing in the Greek.