Based on this post one would have to surmise this is the case ... or is this another? ...
From JR's online blog:
Forget setting prophecy dates
A noted prophecy expert is saying that during 2008 four major prophecies are “converging upon us right now.” He suggests that a peace treaty in the Middle East will likely be signed this year, an obvious reference to the treaty or covenant spoken of in
Daniel 9. This means, according to him, that the 7-year period preceding Armageddon, commonly known as the “tribulation,” will begin at that time. In the background, while this statement is being made, is a photo of Israeli Prime Minister Olmert and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas with U.S. President George Bush standing between them. Since biblical prophecy suggests that it will be the Antichrist who will covenant with Israel, which one is the Antichrist—Bush or Abbas?
But wait…it is then stated that the Holy Roman Empire (a Middle Ages European federation of nations) will be reborn and the Antichrist will come out of that. Oh? So none of the players in the Middle East will be the Antichrist. That’s a relief. And by that view, we know that until the Holy Roman Empire is revived and chooses a dynamic leader that Antichrist won’t appear, thus Christ won’t return until Antichrist has been around for a few years. Personally I am looking for Christ to appear, not the Antichrist. I am not so much worried about what the world and the Antichrist are cooking up but whether I am prepared for when the Lord is coming down!
This is neither a personal attack nor an attempt to denigrate the study and preaching of prophetic messages from the Bible, or even to say that some of his vaticinations won’t be fulfilled. However, other dates and prophecies provided by this prognosticator have not come to pass. (A couple of my own over the years have also missed the mark.) Many of our pastors have had it with date setting, end of the world prophecies, red heifers, and the over-sensationalizing of current events that make for great video sales. Let’s forget the date-setting and get ready to meet Christ in the air. “Soon” is the only date we need. Why fight credit cards, Real ID legislation, fingerprint readers or other technological innovations that may be used by endtime players? If they have a place in the fulfillment of the Scriptures, so be it. It all just puts us closer to the coming of the Lord. Let prophecy unfold.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!