Originally Posted by Pianoman
I agree with Newman that part of what made FCF great was monthly articles written by some of the gifted writers on controversial subjects.
It might be a good thing to arrange to have some write such an article in a section of this forum, and have a thread linked directly to that article. Then the simpletons, such as myself, can write one or two sentence opinions of the article!
I had to sign in and second this thought. What got me interested in FCF - way back in the day - were the articles and NOT the discussion forum. I later participated in the discussions and saw a certain level of intellectual debate that has been waning for some time now on nFCF, AFF, etc. I think a few factors are at play here:
- The lack of the "articles" component that was central to FCF
- The way that so many issues have been discussed "to death". There's just no meat left on the bone...
- The shifting landscape within some Apostolic circles, especially the UPCI - gets reflected to some extent in the forum discussions.
- A tendency by some to avoid real discussion, perhaps out of "topic fatigue", and jump straight into a defensive stance that usually has a messy overtone...