Originally Posted by pelathais
St Matt, you seem to take it that Steve Epley's post was made in jest. However, from the crankiness of his tone lately I would tend to take him more seriously.
So again I must ask - who ever said "Nothing is essential...?" And I really haven't ever seen anyone say that any " pastor is an abomination."
Methinks, the good elder has self-esteem issues that he needs some help with.
Perhaps if he were converted to the view that he can never do enough to be saved, and that his salvation rests entirely in the fact that God loves him for who he is, perhaps he would feel better about himself and others around him.
You don't deserve salvation, Mr. Epley. You didn't earn it and you cannot possibly work hard enough to maintain it. Your salvation is in Jesus Christ and the work that Jesus Christ alone can do for you.
It seems that whenever you forget this fact you tend to lash out at those around you with absurd accusations and taunts. Trust in Jesus Christ.
See John 1:29; John 12:32; 2 Corinthians 5:15; Revelation 5:9.
You mean to say that some of us have been cumbered about with much serving and that it was all for NOTHING???? You mean we can't POSSIBLY do enough good works to earn salvation???? You mean that our inability to live perfect flawless sin free lives does NOT mean that all of us are really doomed to the lake of fire? You HONESTLY expect us to BELIEVE that??? COME ON GET REAL!
Next thing you'll be telling us is that the Just shall by.....what.............FAITH??????