In December this poster asked if the org ... namely the PPH would stop selling books and materials authored by leaders of the newly formed WWPF.
See this thread
A very reliable source has indicated that as of a few weeks ago the PPH has begun to destroy books authored by LB and CC. Apparently they will no longer be stocking these books. The PPH website still shows some materials on their website... however this seems to be the recourse taken.
This type of selective sanitizing/censorship/business decision is not new to the org. NAU allegedly had P. Dugas' books removed from the shelves for personal reasons. Also some materials by Tommy Tenney were nixed too ... when he left the org in the 90's.
Other materials and works have seen the axed or sanitized in the past for various other reasons.
Interestingly enough, TD Jakes, Joyce Meyer and Rick Warren still have a home w/ PPH.
Would the org pull Reider's or Jasinki's books if questions about holy hair would persist and their was enough of a clamor?