With gas prices being so high, we're not traveling far from home this year (except to take Justin to college in S. Ohio). But I love to learn about different areas of the country and what's there. If I came to see you, what would you take me to see? Tell me about the places.
I'll start.......
If you come to see me, we'll go to Sauder's Museum first of all. Check out their website
Sauder's is a historical village telling about life in the early 1800's in Northwest Ohio. This area used to be called The Great Black Swamp for good reason. You'll learn all about that at Sauder's. And if you are interested in Amish/Mennonite folks, this is really the place for you. This area of the country was settled by Amish/Mennonite people and also German Lutheran's. So the history is rich!
The other place I would take you to is the Toledo Zoo. One of the finest in the country. Seriously! Check this out.....
The Toledo Museum of Art is one of my personal favorites. But that is because I soooooo love art!!
And, of course, you could not come here without taking in a Toledo Mudhens Baseball Game. We have tickets in the second row right behind the batter (3rd base side)
ok, so where are you taking me? I'm looking forward to your expertise at tour guides