From the blog of Myles Young, ,comes the following advertisement.
Hey everybody, I just wanted to let all of you know about a very exciting meeting coming in October. It is going to be a great time for young ministers and those that feel called to preach. It is called "The E Group". The "E" comes from the idea of Empowering, Equipping and Encouraging young men to apostolic ministry. The dates are October 3-4. The location is Hope Center in Redlands, CA. Bro B J Wilmoth and myself are the sponsoring pastors. Bro Jason Calhoun will also be an integral part of this new venture. This meeting has been birthed out of a burden for young men to respond to the call of God. Within the UPCI, ALJC, WPF, ACI and even independent circles there needs to be a fresh crop of young men who will rise up and preach the word with boldness and clarity. This meeting is our attempt at having an influence for the future of the Apostolic Movement. We believe in young men.
Is this sincere or just another act of proselyting? It seems strange he separates himself from UPCI and now wants the young and innocent.