Re: Baxter was right Alicea! The Apocalypse Begins
Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
How ironic.
Only two months ago, people on this forum were laughing themselves silly when I posted that we were heading into a recession. Well, here we are.
Yesterday, two different companies in St. Louis announced they are closing up shop. The region is losing 4500 of the highest paid jobs.
That does not even include Anheuser Busch, who very well may become the victim of InBev's hostile takeover very shortly.
Add to that skyrocketing fuel and food prices and we have a recipe for a depression, not a recession.
There is simply no real growth in our economy at all.
Maybe you can get a gig with Baxter!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks