Originally Posted by JTULLOCK
Again the word originally used for baptism has tons of meanings Rico. It could read like this, based upon the original word used....He that believeth and is drowned shall be saved....He that believeth and is dipped shall be saved....He that believeth and is washed.....there are more too. These are just a few. I think that all believers should be baptized, but no scripture I have read makes it manditory, but if I were to preach I would strongly urge it, but can not out of being honest with my self say you gotta in order to be saved, but because you are saved you oughta do it.
My position exactly on baptism. I participated in it, believe in it and advocate for it. I believe that any individual who has been convicted of their sin and drawn to Christ by the Holy Spirit, then repents(changes their mind), acknowledges a need of Christ and Him only as means of reconciliation with God and with Godly sorrow asks to be redeemed by the only means possible, the precious blood of Christ, should identify publicly with Christ in baptism. It's an important, biblical step to following the Savior in obedience.
However, I simply cannot say with 100% certainty based on all scriptures in their context that someone who professes faith in Christ, like the thief, and yet doesn't follow through in baptism is condemned and damned to eternal hell.