Originally Posted by Rico
The reason I find it amusing is because Baptists will put you in Hell in a New York minute for speaking in tongues. This is who you want to use to give credibility to your beliefs on baptism? Come on, Dan. You can do better than that. Can't you find any old time PCI folks' video to share that reinforces your belief? That's what you claim to be, right, a PCIer. Surely, there would be something you could use other than a Baptist who is known for stacking the deck with his theological "debate" program.
You obviously can't compartmentalize ... I suggest only reading Oneness literature from now on for you ...
I'm sure Light would agree w/ your theological approach to studying.
Rico ... you sound silly on this one ...
Marginalizing the source does not take away the soundness of his grammatical breakdown ... do you have a counter offer?
Perhaps you'd like some help to defend your baptismal regenerationist view?
The strongest argument you guys have is .....????
I know what it is ...)