In Honor hubby!!!
In Honor to.....
My hubby. He has been married to me for 16 years as of Friday.
We were at camp on Friday and I was SOOOOOO busy, that we did not have time to celebrate (we haven't gotten to the last 3 years cause, Family camp is always around our anniversary.)
I am a very blessed woman to have married the caliber of man that the Lord sent to me. He's one of the greatest men of God that I know ( I know alot of 'em, too!) And sorry guys, but I got the BEST!! He's walked through so much and kept his spirit right, even when he had the right to retaliate, he didn't. He's been a great example to me and has been my staunchest supporter.
Sometimes I have wondered what in the world the Lord was thinking when He put us together. We are TOTALLY opposite. He's quiet, one on one, introverted, a deep thinker, a loner really, very analytical, etc, etc. I am none of those things. We really balance each other out. He keeps my feet to the ground and I give him the kick in the seat of britches that he needs from time to time.
Truly, I am most blessed and wanted to share this with you and for him.
I love you, Babe, from the bottom on my heart!!!!