Originally Posted by Rico
I speak English, not Greek. Not that it would matter, because there is too much other evidence to prove the plan of salvation is much more than just believing. Take Mark16:16 for example.
If a person really believes then there are things they will do, i gotcha there.
I doubt if any of the previous preachers I mentioned preached that salvation begins and ends at the point of initial faith.
What I'm talking about is baptism in the name of Jesus vs baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Non Apostolics usually don't baptize saying the name of Jesus Christ. Many don't seek after the promised gift of the Holy Ghost upon the confession of their faith or after they are baptized. Sadly, they never experience what we experience. Then, by virtue of what our doctrine states, these same precious believers are doomed to hell.
Doesn't anyone else see that our doctrine leads us to a very exclusionary view of salvation? No one else is saved, according to our doctrine, except the Apostolics, and even then, only some of them, depending on a whole variety of other stuff.