Re: Witchcraft = medication
Originally Posted by Tim Rutledge
A friend of mine's wife. Before they were married. They did not believe in going to Doctors at all. Their 14 yr. old son went into a coma and died 3 days later. Diabetes. Take your meds and go to the Doctor in Jesus name. Or at least don't put them beliefs on your babies. Got a brain.. use it.
I have read that the latin word Pharmikia (means sorcery).. thus the word pharmecutical (meds, drugs). Just because language was put together in a certain way, does not make it 100% accurate. I regularly take a med and I know its not witch craft. I work with some bi-polar dudes, and I am ohh so thankful they take their medicine. Like a liver,heart or foot having a problem.. so can a brain. Just my thoughts. God bless.
Is taking a synethically made chemical compound, God's purposed supply of healing within his creation?
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]