03-23-2007, 10:11 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Tx.
Posts: 2,222
Originally Posted by Chan
I will let the scripture speak for itself (bolded text is for emphasis):
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved" ( John 3:16-17).
"But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law" ( Galatians 4:4).
"In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him" ( 1 John 4:9).
Those things pertaining to Jesus' divinity do not pertain to His humanity and those things pertaining to His humanity do not pertain to His divinity.
Chan,What does the scripture say ? Who purchased the church with his own blood ? Act 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood