Originally Posted by Ferd
Rico, driving cars has its roots in majic too. we used to ride horses. if you dig far enough into ancient history you will find that people believed riding a horse was majic.
people also thought television was majic.
Once upon a time, man flying was something talked about in ancient greek mythology.
go far enough back and pretty much everything we do comes from some supersticious belief in majic. even washing your hands.
None of which changes the point I made. We are still making potions, but it's done in a laboratory now instead of by a medicine man. You guys are going to have a hard time disconnecting the two and disconnecting that scripture from using pharmaceutical types of cures for what ails us. I do not know why that word was translated into witchcraft or why it was included in that scripture, but that doesn't change what it means one bit, Bro. We still have "witch doctors" and "medicine men" today. The only difference is they work for Pfizer, Merck, Bayer, and other companies.