Re: SHOCKER! Obama Joining Oneness Apostolic churc
Furthermore Esther these great men would have probably voted for the Democrat in this race regardless of color ... that's been the trend since FDR.
I posted this in another thread a few weeks ago in a discussion w/ PO:
Black males in America have been voting for white male Presidential candidates since 1868 w/ the passage of the 15th amendment ... although many were disenfranchised during Reconstruction they were subject to poll taxes, grandfather clauses and literacy tests ... they still ALL voted for a white candidate in the general election for the last 140 years ...
Black women along w/ all other women as a bloc have voted for a white male Anglo-Saxon Protestant President since the 1920's ...
Some of these candidates were "qualified" and some were peanut farmers from Georgia.
Now ... let's get to the nitty gritty ...
if black America who has gone though 250 years of being viewed as property ... stripped of their dignity and bred as animals were .... emancipated to win a war and then treated as second class citizens in this nation until 40-50 years ago ...while being lynched, spat upon, and humiliated .... when given the choice between two equally qualified candidates want to go w/ the black candidate because it would make inroads .... in a nation that still struggles w/ having people of color holding the highest offices in the land then ... hey ... more power to them ... I have no problem w/ making that a deciding factor ...
However ... black America will not (any time soon) and has not chosen the President of the United States .... ever ... as the decisive constituency!!!
It will be white America that will decide who will be the next President of the United States ... they are still the majority ... especially if we look at the constituents of the eligible voting electorate ...
Moreover, it will be white American females, like you, who will decide whether Obama is presidential or not ... they are the majority voice in the electorate.