Originally Posted by Subdued
My posts on this forum seldom (if ever) reflect my opinion(s). However, I'm quite open when I write letters and/or emails and will not hesitate to express my thoughts, opinions or feelings. Does this make me a leader or a follower in your opinion?
Well, I think it would make for interesting public reading if you shared more thoughts. However, given that you don't, I would guess that you are a "participant."
1. Persuaders (generally 25% of a jury)
These 4 or 5 people sitting on a 12 man jury make over 50% of the statements during deliberations.
2. Participants (generally 50% of the jury)
In contrast to persuaders who often offer facts; participants are more likely to offer opinions. Partipants generally don't build coalitions themselves but actively support the leadership of persuaders.
3. Non-participants (remaining 25%)
Generally say very little. They will follow the majority inclination.