Originally Posted by theoldpaths
One thing I learned recently is that in order to keep people's attention, a tv program will change the camera view point every 9 seconds or so. Why do they do this even though it is taking place in the same scene? To make it more interesting. They found out that to make it more interesting to the eyes, they change the tv camere angle often. One result of this is that some children are used to having the lust of their eyes fulfilled by frequently changing the camera angle to maintain their interest. Then they go to school and just see the same old viewpoint, minute after minute. No wonder teachers have a problem keeping some kids attention.
Have you ever watched a BOTT video? They do the same thing!!!! LOL!
It breaks up the monotony, but has nothing to do with 'lust of the eyes'. It's just a different angle. We aren't there in person to see the entire picture like being in a service in person, so filming from different angles gives you a better idea of the setup.
Teachers have no more of a problem keeping kids' attention in schools today than they had 100 years ago. It has nothing to do with TV, but with parents. 100 years ago, your daddy would wear you out. Today, daddies don't touch their kids, if there is even a daddy around. TV isn't to blame. Parents are.
Blaming TV for the problems in society is akin to blaming guns for promoting violence. Guns don't kill people. People kill people and some use guns to do it.
It's the same with TV (as it is with internet or any other form of media or entertainment). It's not TV that is making our kids stupider and uncontrollable. It's the lack of control on the hands of the parents that is the problem today.
Now I done went off on a tangent....LOL!