Holy Hair- The Male Version
Orthodox Judaism: .
Hasidic Jews follow a commandment in the book of Leviticus that says: "You shall not round off the edge of your scalp and you shall not destroy the edge of your beard."
"This is understood as making a straight line from the temple back to the ear. So all Hasidic Jews have sideburns that go down to the jawbone," said Rabbi Eliezer "Lazer" Lazaroff of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.
Some Hasidic Jews also have long curly locks or sideburns, to further show their devotion. That is not practiced by the Chabavad-Lubivitch group. But beards are never cut in the Hasidic tradition, and Lazaroff has not cut his since he was 14.
"In the mystical Kabbalah tradition, the hair of the beard represents God's mercy and compassion," he said. "It's considered to be something that is a channel of God's blessing."