Originally Posted by Grasshopper
I can see your points. But don't loose the point that Christ was attacking those who were extorting and oppressing an already poor and oppressed people. Christ was defending the weak and helpless...not telling them to wipe their noses and get a job.
As I would as well. It is completely different to defend the weak, oppressed and poor than it is to continue to support those who sit on their bums and do nothing but watch cable, talk on their cell phones, buy cigs and booze and continue to have kids they cannot afford or want to take care of. It is NOT my responsibility to care of them. It is also not my responsibility to take care of someone for a bad business decision they made....especially in corporate America. If the airline industry goes "down" someone else will raise it up and do better. A free market is always the best system. It allows the cream to rise to the top and when it sours, it gets thrown out.
I guess you could kinda say that I took some whips and shoved at you for such harsh words, especially in light of how many people are really hurting and need a little help. For example you made people turning to the government over predatory lending practices sound like whiners. Bro...government has historically protected consumers and citizens from these schemes of extortion. The government has largely turned a blind eye to rampant abuses and shady international investment schemes using these high risk mortgages...and billions of dollars have been lost because of it. You and I have even suffered...most likely your home dropped in value. You should be mad as hades asking why regulators didn't sound an alarm on the issue. In addition you should be wondering why so many lenders set a bottom line on loans to issue...even if the applicants were clearly unqualified. There is so much to this we could talk about it all night. Anyway...we should be drawing up our whips and driving out these extortionists.
My words to those who rolled the "bones" and took a HUGE chance in the mortgage deal would still be the same . YOU signed the contract. If you didn't read it, shame on you. It's not my fault. Some years ago I took out an insurance policy, based upon a Christian Financial Adivsor's advice. I trusted him and didn't read the contract as I should have. Short story is that it cost me $10K in the blink of an eye. Was I ticked? You bet!! He didn't fully disclose what the deal was. However, it was my fault for not reading the contract. It was my decision not to do so and I paid dearly for it. I did not ask the government to give me my 10 grand back. I took my lumps and learned a great lesson. I am still responsible and don't expect someone to help me for my own stupidity. I teach my kids responsibility. Once again, personal responsibility is a BIBLICAL principle that cannot be gotten around.
I feel bad for those who got bit in their mortgages, but it wasn't like they didn't know they were taking a risk on the market. If you know your payment is going to go up, then you can either afford it or you get out of it....it's not that difficult. If you didn't read the contract, shame on you and shame on me. Once again, my choice and my consequence. No different than going to a casino. If you want to keep your money, don't go there. Most people understand the risk/reward ratio and if they don't, they'll learn quickly. But it's still not my job nor the government's to bail them out while they make bad decisions. I don't want to lose everything, so I'm going to be careful in my decisions. That, once again, is personal responsibility.