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Old 05-30-2008, 03:39 AM
Joelel Joelel is offline

Join Date: Mar 2007
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Re: Brownsville Pastor- Massive Midwest Quake Comi

I Found the news clips posted on an other board today.This would be part of the 2nd.trumpet and vial.

Fish Dying Everywhere

Bob Aicardi

I would have to say the dream the Lord gave me many years ago of my standing on the bow of my boat fighting a large fish is possibly upon us and will get progressively worse. In my dream in what started out to be a lengthy fish battle in clean blue Gulf water quickly changed...As I looked down the water became turbidly polluted as the boat crossed over into a dead zone. The fish I was fighting sounded and as I looked down deeper the bottom was layered with the white bellies of large dead fish carcasses covering almost all of the bottom like cord wood... In the dream I asked the Lord what this meant. I continued to stare at what appeared to be a gulf of dead fish rotting on the ocean floor. I have often times reread this dream and asked the Lord what the reason was for his giving it to me some 5 years ago.

Greg Coleson

If you aren't paying attention you should be.
This is a collection of segments from many articles from a lot of different places all around the world...that is why this is so greatly disturbing. As a summery: in some places it is the heat wave, others it is plankton in the oceans and red tide; on main land lakes it is oxygen depletion by the heat waves and others it is suspected poisoning related to the Chemtrails. You should scan down through the links and see all the different states and countries that have been affected...it is astounding to see and very disheartening as well.

(Note from Dave: Too many different causes in too many places. This is the Lord's judgment.)


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: Esclarmonde <Send E-Mail>
Date: Sunday, 21 August 2005, 8:05 p.m.


WHAT IS REMOVING OXYGEN FROM THE WATERS? Chemtrail chemicals? Or is someone spraying to remove every living thing from this planet? When you wipe out huge pieces of the 'food chain', you are in effect giving ALL living species on this planet a 'death sentence'. Please don't tell me this is so somebody can 'patent' fish and sell us that part of our diet as well. (They have recently requested a patent on pigs and we know they are attempting to make owning natural seeds a crime) Cause there won't be anybody left to buy the products.
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Look at the pic on this link

From the sky, a sea of white is covering the mouth of the Colorado River. Upon closer look, you´ll see dead fish – millions of them.
"Unbelievable if you haven´t seen it before," said Matagorda County Commissioner George Deshotel.

The stunning images of devastation run for miles. It´s one of the largest fish kills people in the town of Matagorda have seen in years.


Warm waters blamed for disappearance of sockeye
CTV.ca News Staff

In the few places on the B.C. coast where sockeye salmon fishing is allowed, boats are coming back to port empty or near-empty this summer, as the annual sockeye run has so far failed to materialize.

The Skeena sockeye run, initially forecast to be 1.2 million fish, has been about half that number. There are also low numbers on the Fraser and Nass Rivers.

On the Fraser River, 11 million salmon were predicted to return, but the peak last weekend saw about 100,000 fish.

Because of the crisis, the commercial fishery has yet to open and the native fishery has been restricted.
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