Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
So true friend...America really needs to pray. I cannot see how any christian could vote for Obama...
I can't see how any Christian can vote for any modern corporate lackey Republican who will just shaft the American people they more corporate cronyism. I like REAL discussion. Abortion and gay marriage is off the table because the Republicans don't plan on really addressing those issues. This is about rather you'll be able to afford health insurance. This is about rather you'll be able to afford groceries. This is if you'll keep your job so you can feed your family. This is about bread and butter issues. The Republicans have given corporations cart blanche permission to move more and more of American jobs overseas without upholding fair trade principles that protect foreign workers and domestic production.
Most loonies I know here who don't like Obama think he's a Muslim who won't say the Pledge. This has been thoroughly debunked by fact checkers but loonies still believe it because they're so gullible. If that's happening here in the U.S. ....I can only imagine what kind of insanity is being said about him in Brazil.